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Writer's pictureArup Roy Best Practice: Part I

Ø General Best Practices :

  • Try to Adopt Before Adapt through SFDC.

  • Consider adopting the most standard functionality of SFDC and use the most easy technology that don't require development skills (such as Formula, Workflow, Validation rule, etc.).

  • Consider Adapting only when any of the standard components doesn't meet the business needs; because every custom development are expensive to develop and to maintain.

  • More the code is complex, more it is to understand and expensive to maintain. Don't design such features that were not asked (avoid the 'feature creep').

Ø Data Model Design :

  • Reuse the maximum standard objects of the platform.

  • Be aware of the behavior for these objects, especially on Lead (that becomes an Account and a Contact) and Opportunity (stage, probability).

  • Need to be careful of relationship type you want to implement, sometimes lookup is enough but try to identify future needs to select the right relation (for example when a field of the parent object should be updated -by workflow- when the child changes, it's only possible with a master-detail relationship.).

  • Need to be careful when choosing the right field type and name as when they're deployed it's a high risk to modify them.

  • Always consider making a field required when he's updatable by both the UI, web service and other apex code.

  • Field API Name should be as short as possible. Avoid using underscores; use a capital letter for each word.

  • Create a default record type when creating an object. This will prevent data migration afterward when you will need to manage record types.

  • Ensure you have Field Level Securities, giving access to all fields for such a profile who need to be able backup all your data; i.e. Technical profile.

  • Custom Settings: Optimize the length of your text fields. You have limited storage. So even if you put data with a shorter length it will estimated with full length!

  • Visibility: Think twice before defining Org Wide Defaults for external users as "public" on an object.

  • When defining an existing field as required, ensure that existing records have no empty value for that field.

  • If "Strictly enforce picklist values" option enabled, picklist values must be aligned with your data.

Ø Integration Design :

  • Identify the volume of data exchanged.

  • Identify the direction: inbound, outbound.

  • Identify the type: sync / async.

  • Identify the integration process: batch, onego.

  • Inbound message using the standard Enterprise / Partner API because custom inbound or outbound are expensive to develop (except for outbound call using the workflow).

Ø Logic Design :

  • Match each need with available technology to build the logic (Validation Rule, Workflow, Approval Process, etc).

  • Manage configuration limits: number of workflows, filtered lookups, etc.

  • Use Apex code in a last probable consideration.

  • Any item configured should have brief comments in the description attribute.

  • Always impose naming conventions.

Ø Code - general :

  • Keep the right visibility.

  • Use "with sharing" for your class, or comments “why you would run without sharing”.

  • Don't code if you can configure it.

  • Comment your code snippet or logic.

  • Do not hard code IDs. If you need some invariant Ids in some circumstance you can put them in a Custom Label.

  • Keep your code small. This will better manage the 3Mb limit, make you think on an optimized algorithm, and most of the time make your code faster. Ex: is it necessary to define a temporary variable that will be used only once?

  • Always code for performance.

  • Ensure system.debug() is consistent to the context (Example: do not log "after insert" if you are in a "before insert" trigger).

  • Avoid multi-line tests. This could have negative impact on code coverage if part of the test is false.

  • Remove commented code to have clean classes.

  • Never use “try-catch” when the purpose is only to hide errors (with no code in the catch, or just a system debug). The user or admin should be notified by the error.

  • Do not have a different behavior when testing vs when running (spaghetti code using if(“System.Test.isRunningTest()”).

  • Apex Callouts - Do not hard code credentials in the code. Use named credentials as endpoints to simplify authenticated Apex callouts and manage credentials through the Setup user interface.

  • Do not call @future methods inside FOR loops. These methods should be bulkified and called after the loop.

  • Do not hardcode email addresses.

  • Put outside the FOR loops invariants. Ex: Contact.sObjectType.getDescribe() or Schema.SObjectType.Contact.fields.getMap();

  • Use only one return statement par method.

  • Remove unnecessary local variables, empty blocks and empty methods.

Ø SOQL in Apex :

  • Avoid SOQL queries statements inside loops (for, while etc.).

  • Leverage SOQL Capability to order results, filter, query multiple objects in 1 query through relationships.

  • Leverage SOQL Capability to aggregate date and do computation (Example: select SUM()).

  • Put the result directly in a map instead of doing this in a "for loop".

  • Nested for-loop with a SOQL query in the container loop can implicitly manage batch records, reducing heap consumption and increasing speed because of smaller lists. for(Contact[] cons:[Select Name from Contact limit 10000])for(Contact a: cons){business logic }

  • Make efficient SOQL queries. Ex: [select Name from Profile where id in (select ProfileId from User where Id=:UserInfo.getUserId())] could be rewritten as [select Name from Profile where Id=:UserInfo.getProfileId()]

  • Whenever it is possible, try to use 1 query for multiple records on the same object, instead of 1 query per record.

  • Do not query on fields that you will not use.

  • When querying users, don't forget to filter on the isActive field.

  • To filter your query, use the DeveloperName field instead of the Name field when the queried object has both (i.e.: Group, RecordType, etc.).

  • When doing a query on RecordType object, filter on SObject name as you can have the same recordType developerName across multiple objects.

  • Limit returned records. If a query is returning multiple records, you must add "limit xxx" at the end of the query to manage governor limits.

  • Reduce joins in queries. If you need an id of the record from a lookup, do not code select from theObject__c. Prefer this one: select theLookup__c from theObject__c

* Continue reading in Part II ( Publish soon...)

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